15 Reasons for Low Hemoglobin - What to Do if Hemoglobin is Low in Blood

Hemoglobin deficiency can occur at any time in the body of a person of any age, because it is very normal and common to have a deficiency of hemoglobin in the body. So we need to know what to do if the hemoglobin in the blood decreases because there can be problems like low hemoglobin in the blood due to various reasons and if we are not aware of this problem it can also lead to death. So today I will tell you about 15 reasons for low hemoglobin and what to do if blood hemoglobin is low.

Everyone, young and old, should have enough knowledge about the causes of low hemoglobin because there may be multiple reasons behind the low hemoglobin. But most of us do not know all the reasons of low hemoglobin. Through this post, I will tell you about the causes of low hemoglobin and what to do if the hemoglobin in the blood is low, and also tell you what is the problem if the hemoglobin in the blood is low, what foods increase hemoglobin and how much hemoglobin is required during pregnancy. Read the complete post carefully to know about 15 causes of low hemoglobin and what to do if blood hemoglobin is low.

Causes of low hemoglobin

Hemoglobin deficiency in the blood can occur due to many reasons and this hemoglobin deficiency can be seen in both men and women. If vitamins and nutrients are not taken according to physical needs, hemoglobin deficiency may occur in that case, especially pregnant women are seen suffering from hemoglobin deficiency due to lack of nutrition. In addition to low hemoglobin due to lack of food nutrients, there are several other complex reasons for low hemoglobin levels in the blood.

But many of you may not know the causes of low hemoglobin in the blood. And many people want to know specific reasons of low hemoglobin in blood at different times. So today I will tell you the reasons of low hemoglobin in blood. So let's know the causes of low hemoglobin in the blood without delay. Today we will know 15 reasons for low hemoglobin. 15 reasons for low hemoglobin are given below.

1. Iron deficiency in the body

2. Vitamin B12 deficiency,

3. Liver cirrhosis

4. leukemia

5. lymphoma

6. cancer


8. Excessive bleeding

9. Stomach ulcer or cancer

10. Piles

11. Hemolysis

12. Hypothyroid

13. Thalassemia

14. Tumors in the bone marrow

15. Bladder problems

Although these 15 reasons are specifically responsible for low hemoglobin in the blood, in most people, iron deficiency, nutritional deficiency and vitamin deficiency are the cause of low hemoglobin levels in the blood. Hopefully, you have got an idea about the 15 causes of low hemoglobin.

What to do if the hemoglobin in the blood decreases

There is no specific age for the onset of hemoglobin deficiency in the body i.e. people of any age can develop a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood at any time, and in most cases anemia occurs due to iron deficiency in the body and anemia occurs when there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin deficiency in the body Special attention should be paid to the food list when it appears. Since hemoglobin deficiency can occur at any age and at any time, it is very important to have proper knowledge about what to do when hemoglobin is low. But it is a sad fact that many of us do not know what to do when the hemoglobin in the blood decreases. So today we will discuss what to do when hemoglobin is low. Things to do if hemoglobin in blood is low,

Read more: Hemoglobin normal range

Eating foods containing iron: If there is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, iron-rich foods must be added to the diet. Because in most cases, iron deficiency causes low hemoglobin levels. And to fill the deficiency of hemoglobin in the body, you can keep iron-like foods in the food list - spinach, broccoli, eggs, almonds, apples, raisins, pumpkin seeds, etc. These foods are rich in iron, which helps to compensate for iron deficiency and hemoglobin deficiency in the body.

Consuming protein foods: Protein foods help to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so protein foods are very important to meet the deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. Apart from supplying iron to the body, these protein foods are very effective in hemoglobin production. So red meat, eggs, chicken meat, liver to fill the deficiency of hemoglobin because such foods are the main source of protein.

Foods like vitamin B complex: Foods like vitamin B complex contribute to the formation of red blood cells, so there will be a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. Vitamin B complex foods should be added to the diet.

Vitamin C: Foods like vitamin C can play a significant role in meeting the deficiency of hemoglobin. Therefore, if the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, add vitamin B complex foods as well as vitamin C foods.

Do physical exercise: Regular physical exercise is very important to maintain physical fitness. Regular exercise allows every organ and digestive system to function properly and the hemoglobin level in the blood is correct. Blood circulation and oxygen supply to the body is correct.

You can eat pumpkin seeds: You can eat pumpkin seeds if you have a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, because pumpkin seeds can be an ideal food for those who have low hemoglobin levels in the blood, because a lot of iron can be obtained from pumpkin seeds and this seed will help to fill the deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. The iron in 100 grams of pumpkin seeds can meet 83% of our body's iron deficiency.

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Dry fruit foods: To fill the deficiency of hemoglobin, keep dry fruits such as raisins, almonds, dates in the food list because such foods play a special role in filling the deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood.

Avoid caffeine and soft drinks completely: Foods containing caffeine and soft drinks can be one of the causes of hemoglobin deficiency in the body because these foods can cause problems like hemoglobin deficiency, anemia and dehydration by absorbing iron from the body. So these foods must be avoided if there is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the body.

What is the problem if the hemoglobin in the blood decreases?

Now I will tell you why it is important to have the right level of hemoglobin in the blood, that is, what is the problem if the hemoglobin decreases. Why should you know what the problem is when the hemoglobin in the blood decreases? Then you can easily understand whether the level of hemoglobin in your blood is correct and accordingly you can take medical advice and be alert before any danger occurs. So let's find out what problems occur in the body when hemoglobin decreases. It can occur if the blood does not have the right amount of hemoglobin

  • Anemia and paleness of the body due to it
  • Lack of proper supply of oxygen to body cells
  • Difficulty in breathing due to lack of proper oxygen supply to the body
  • Excessive sweating of the body
  • Low vision
  • Increased pulse rate
  • Feeling tired and weak
  • Headache and dizziness
  • digestive problems
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Swelling of legs and body
  • Lack of attention to tasks and decreased energy
  • Insomnia is the problem of not sleeping properly

How much hemoglobin is needed during pregnancy

Just as it is very important to have the right level of hemoglobin in the blood in a healthy body, if the level of hemoglobin is not right during pregnancy, then both the expectant mother and the baby can be harmed. Therefore, one should have knowledge about how much hemoglobin is needed during pregnancy and prepare the food list accordingly. So let's find out how much you need to have during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman should have a hemoglobin level of 10 mg and under no circumstances should the hemoglobin level be below 10, as a hemoglobin level below 10 during pregnancy is considered anemic. A woman's normal hemoglobin level during pregnancy is between 13 and 16 ml grams.

Which foods increase hemoglobin in the blood

In the upper part of the post, you have learned about the things to be done if the hemoglobin in the blood decreases, so now I will tell you specifically what foods increase the hemoglobin in the blood or which foods can increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood quickly, the names of those foods. So, without delay, what can you eat to increase hemoglobin in the blood?

Also Read: Symptoms of Anemia and Ways to Treat Anemia

Can increase hemoglobin in the blood - apples, currants, strawberries, watermelon, guava, papaya, oranges, grapes, bananas, olives, raisins, dates, various nuts, apricots, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, beetroot, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, beans, Chickpeas, soybeans, especially rice, wheat, barley, oats, dark chocolate, milk, eggs, red meat, chicken meat, liver, shrimps, crabs, and other marine foods increase the level of hemoglobin in the body.

Comment, through today's question, you have been informed in detail about the causes of low hemoglobin and what to do if hemoglobin is low in the blood. This post has told you what are the reasons for low login. Since you have learned about the causes of low hemoglobin and what to do in case of low hemoglobin, if the hemoglobin level in the blood is not at the right level, you must pay special attention to your diet and take medical advice quickly rather than taking this problem for granted.

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